Crazy Weekend
Salut salut, hurricane Rita came and passed. Because Katrina caused so much trouble here they went over the top and had the holiday inn on a no alcohol lockdown so i went to stay with my Swedish mates. They (David, HÃ¥kan and Fredrick) have a really sweet apartment. Marie, michael and the Dominiacan girl from down their hall came over and we played poker and watched movies and drank the whole time which was a good laugh although I was secretly ragin when I blew all my chips on a couple of crap hands and lost out on the pot...damn it!! Since then been tryin to get on top of the work.
Dunno if all of US uni's do it this way but here you have a really wide range of courses to choose from, then you have 2 weeks at the beginning to add and drop them. so most people try an pick subjects on tues weds or thurs and in the mid day so you get long weekends and lie-in's. if you're teacher is crap or you dont like the look of the course you just drop the course and add different one. So much more flexible than G to the Uni.
I had a horrendous fluid mechanics class so swapped into Vibrations (doesnt sound to complex but its a degree level course) which ive covered some of before so I thought itd be easy to catch up but problem is Ive missed the first 3 weeks of the class and it clashes with my project class so I miss every friday... could catch up with the book but i tried to find the cheapest ass copy possible and ordered through this backalley website I found and its taking forever to arrive. Textbooks out here are a f#*king joke. I had to buy one for my Entrepreneurship class, $140 including tax!! Rayomnd Jing. it had to be the newest edition so couldnt get used ones.... every course here follows textbooks and they are nearly all like $100 plus... so im pushing ahead with my plans to join a local drugs ring to bring in some much needed cash.
On Saturday it was UM's first homegame (A. Football), the game kicked off at noon. we got everyone together about 9am, the metrorail and buses run Canes to the stadium for free ------ i must explain - everything here at UM is gay when it comes to names, Miami as you may have picked up gets shed-loads of Hurricanes SO thanks to the genius of the university all the Sports teams are called the Miami Hurricanes, UM students are called 'Canes, the main foodcourt .... the Hurricane foodcourt, the shuttle buses that run " 'Canes" from uni to the Holiday Inn and other parts of campus are called ....and this is really witty, the"Hurry 'Canes Shuttles". and matric cards are called Cane cards.... ive probably forgot some but you get the picture----- Theres areas outside the ground where people go tailgating. everyone parks there trucks and breaks out the beer and theres a big pregame piss-up, it was great. There were 50,000 people at the game although the stadium holds 75,000. an thats not even that much, some other college teams get 80-100,000 even for games against crap teams!! the atmosphere was great, brass band playing in the stands, cheerleaders bouncing around and cartwheeling through the endzone, everyone drinkin beer in the sun..... gettin totally dehydrated..... it's amazin!! we won 23-3......GO CANES!!!! Had a crazy night out after the game but if you wanna here about that then you might need to email me and ask coz i dont have time to write about it now and well.... mum and dad you prob dont need to know!!