Love hate
ok this is gonna be a bit of a rant but its on my mind. America is great but im really disappointed how much people hear hold the kind of attitudes that people hate their country for.
before i say all this i know I am no tree hugging eco warrior and i am maybe not the most energy saving person and britain is definitely not innocent but...........
in my hydrogen energy class theres a couple of complete fucking idiots, considerin they are seniors and supposed to be educated. Hydrogen being what could be the (clean) fuel of the future, environmental issues of fossil fuels come up a lot. Some of the americans come out with some of the shittest points Ive ever heard.
They support the fact that the US's economy is based so heavily on oil, and its obvious that they think its fine for them to use war and underhand politics to secure their own wellbeing. They defend the fact that american cars are stupidly huge, the amount of Hummers, dodge ram's, ford f150's etc here in miami is a joke. a dodge ram will do at most 20 miles to the gallon and thats what dodge say, one guy today admitted his does 13mpg. these things have up to 8.3 litre engines and they are awful for the environment.
They spent some of the early lectures questionin whether global warming even exists!! One guy argued that the recent rise in temp is just natural climate change like in the past, even though the graphs showed a 10 degree change way back that took tens of thousands of years and that temps have gone up half a degree in the last 150 years.
Comments like "well the areas where snow is dissappearing to global warming, they could seed clouds so it snows more" as if thats a solution to the problem.
They always challenge the figures on pollution. one guy said (jokingly but still) that we dont have huge cars cause they wouldnt fit on scottish roads, nah mate we dont drive huge dick compensators because they cost about 3times as much to run and are just too big. The lecturer made the point that SUV's and pickups are so unnecessary and americans are immature in the way that they want "big toys" to play with, one guy today claimed america works hard and thats why it has a strong economy and that we (europe etc) work less, and so america can afford to play more... not the fact that the US has a relatively small population compared to how much natural resources they have, they go to war for and are heavily dependent oil and profit on the appauling standards some of their people live in. (for instance the level of homelessness in miami is incredible)
i've met a lot of good americans and a lot of idiots but youd think uni would be better. they are so ignorant and distorted in their views of europe and the world, to anything outside america and dont realise their small minded views are exactly the attitudes that as a country they take forward and cripple other countrys with and are attacked for like 9/11.
Theres some "green" adverts on TV but even they just say "our green fuels will help reduce dependancy on foreign oil". anyway ill stop ranting, with this fact i read in the news. 2 months ago Bush pledged $1.7 billon for the hydrogen fuel program, the same month he asked congress for $72.4 billion for the war in iraq this is on top of the $320 billion they've already spent (and thats a White House estimate!)
absolutly man! the fact that anyone can defy the huge weight of scientific evidence showing climate change is mind-boggling, even in America.
And you are right about their resources too. Like us, the US can afford just to mine it's country whereas a lot of countries in Europe have to value-add.
Although it's hard to blame them. Senior leaders of the country spout a lot of this shit..... intelligent design vs evolution???
And their sources of news fall very short...... fox news anyone? oh well at least I'm well informed about bennifer! they will save us from climate change!
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